A social inclusion project that focuses on sensory processing disturbances and ways Design Management methods might streamline mainstream acceptance through better understanding of social environments.
According to The CDC and NIMH |
A user-friendly method of digitally communicating new social experiences through sensory design that works to increase mainstream social integration.
Experiential and sensory aware design is at the center of user experience UX research and consideration of social inclusive environments. Design managers can use new UX protocols to build impactful sensory aware communication processes that benefit families, customers and businesses alike. The adoption of theses methods will aid designers working as event managers, advertisement agencies, product merchandisers, and platform architects. |
The World At Large
As communication between caregivers and people with sensory disturbances improves, positive social experience will increase, allowing for innovative advancements in their social development. Sensory social integration standards and regulations could evolve into a new normal, resulting in ADA policy improvements. |
Location: Orlando & Tampa Florida, Washington D.C., phone and video interviews with program managers, parents, and caregivers.
Context: Primary research was conducted by digital and in-person surveys, long format interviews, and observation. Collectively this research focused on understanding various pain points, ways of coping, methods of communicating and public interaction with other sensory groups. I have identified the gaps in communication and missing content while analyzing the most effective whys to give and receive information. |
Coffee Talks
Interviews Surveys Open ended discussions Fly on the wall observation |
Usability StudyEach venue uploads a video walkthrough map to preview and explore to gain familiarity. Some venues incorporated VR games for discovery and connection.
Business StructureThe founders are leveraging a working relationship with our application and venue designers, along with advocacy groups and associations.
In situ Prototype TestingThe zoo in Florida hosted our product testing which allowed for rapid iteration and adjustments based on direct on site testing and observation.
With an understanding of new environments before attending events, sensory meltdowns, that are triggered by surprising or new actions, can be mitigated. Training people with sensory disturbances about the new environment will enable their reactions to turn into learned behavior response.
New built environments can follow a set of design protocols that will either warn caregivers of a possible trigger (sound, lights, strange corridors, etc.) or build sensory aware quiet places and interactive sensory stations for a pause and regroup. Existing environments can retrofit sensory calming spaces and stations, or create an awareness map of possible trigger and red flags. |
The Professional Association for Design (AIGA) Design and Emotion Society Design Management Institute Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science Interaction Design Association |
Alawi Global Systems Inc.